Monday, August 17, 2009


I've been making the effort to finish up a couple more collages I had started a few weeks ago. Here's the latest:

It's different than the others I've worked on, there are larger, bolder images, and even typeface. It works for me. Once all the collages are up on the walls, I'll be sure to show they convey in the space. They're such a cheap and mindless/relaxing way to make your walls look great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay collages! I miss them so much, I have been looking at overwhelming amounts of art. But not making it unfortunately. However it's France, so museum visits are frequent: Louvre:1, Orsay:5, Pompidou:2, others(including galleries and shows): 6?

And I feel like I haven't even been doing half of what I should be doing.

Oh, and the "elles" exposition at pompidou made me cry-we're definitely going and then sobbing together over the treatment of women artists afterward. And then fixing that situation in the future.

Just found your blog btw!